Instagram Sign Up Not Working: 7 Causes and How To Fix Them

Profile photo of Karen Lin, author

Karen Lin

Instagram 101 | Jun 25, 2024

Want More Real Instagram Followers?

Imagine this: You’ve pulled out all the stops to make a brand-new Instagram account. Maybe you now know that Insta is a good idea, or you’re making an account for your new business. You know the type of Instagram account you want, so you’re ready to use our trusty username generator and even have a profile photo ready. But then, you face a problem most newbies on the platform dread—Instagram sign up not working.

There’s nothing more frustrating than being so excited to make an Instagram account only for sign-ups not to work. The inconvenient “Sorry! There’s a problem signing you up right now” error message can be a nightmare for anyone. It takes away from the smooth, enjoyable experience on the social media platform. Plus, you lose so much time for whatever project you’re making a new account for.

But why does Instagram’s sign-up feature sometimes not work? Today, we’re looking at what might have gone wrong and how you can fix it. By the end of this guide, we’re hopeful that you can finally create your new account hassle-free.

A person holding a white iPhone with the pink Instagram log-in page on the screen.

Why Is Instagram Sign Up Not Working: 7 Most Common Reasons and Quick Fixes

You’re certain you put in all the necessary information, but why is Instagram sign-up not working for you? Well, there is a wide variety of reasons why the sign-up page isn’t letting you make an account. These can range from technical issues and glitches to human error and social media platform protocol.

Let’s examine seven of the most common reasons why Instagram sign-up might not be working and some common fixes to make your life a bit easier. 

A woman looking frustrated while looking at her smartphone.

1. Your Device Internet Connection Is Really Slow

If your internet speed is extremely slow and unstable, you might not be reaching the Instagram servers correctly. Because of this, the app can’t allow you to create a new account.

If your internet isn’t working as fast, move a little closer to your router. You can also try restarting your router in the hopes of resetting your connection, making it stronger and faster.

Double-check to see if you’re connected to stable Wi-Fi or mobile data. If everything looks good connection-wise, do a quick internet speed test online to see how fast it is. If the speed is too slow, try switching to another internet network that is faster and more stable.

Someone holding up their phone that has a Wi-Fi speed test on the screen.

2. You Can’t Create an Instagram Account With the Same Email Address

Every email address can have a maximum limit of five accounts only. That means you can’t create Instagram accounts willy-nilly with the same email address over and over. Check to see how many accounts you’ve created with the same email. If you already have five, Instagram won’t allow you to create another.

Try using a different email to sign up on Instagram. If you really want to use your main email for your new account, change the email on an existing one.

3. Instagram Sign-Up Birthday Not Working Because You’re Under 13 Years Old

Is your Instagram sign-up birthday not working? That might be because you’re inputting a birthday that tells the social media platform that you’re under 13 years old. Only those 13 and above can make an Instagram account. 

Instagram is super strict with the minimum age for account sign-ups. That’s because the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act has very tight guidelines about social media users under 13 years old. Even Instagram users from ages 13-17 can have parental controls set for extra security and safety. Staying compliant with these guidelines allows Instagram to create a safer online environment for everyone, especially teens.

A little girl with red hair holding a phone while sitting on a table with her legs crossed.

4. You Have an Older, Outdated Version of the Instagram App

If you’re using an older version of the Instagram app, it might be more prone to glitches and technical issues. These problems can be because of bugs in the app, which Instagram tries to correct immediately with newer app versions.

These bugs could be the reason why sign-ups aren’t working. It’s important to stay on top of updating your app to ensure that there are no bugs on the platform.

Go to your device’s App Store or Google Play Store to check whether you have the latest version of Instagram. If not, hit “Update” on your device to switch over to the newest one. After the installation, try signing up for a new Instagram account again. Fingers crossed, it works this time!

5. You Have Previously Violated the IG Community Guidelines With Another Account

If had an account suspended in the past, Instagram might block you from making new accounts. This could be because you violated the platform’s community guidelines through bad behaviors like cyberbullying or generating inauthentic activity online. Instagram might disallow you from making new accounts because of these patterns of behavior to keep the community safe.

If you think the suspension of your account happened by mistake, reach out to Instagram and appeal the decision. And when you finally make a new account on the app, make sure to always abide by the community guidelines.

6. Instagram Has Blocked Your IP Address

If Instagram catches you doing something suspicious—like automating likes or buying followers—they may block your IP address. Once there is flag on your address, the app might not allow you to do certain actions, like make new accounts.

Your IP address links to both your physical address and your internet connection. So, if you can change those two things, you may be able to get around the IP block.

Try switching over to a different internet network to change your IP address. If that doesn’t work, you can also reset your router to get a new address. To change your physical address, use a VPN to alter your IP temporarily. Hopefully, one of these solutions will get rid of the IP block and allow you to make your new account.

A woman activating a VPN service on her smartphone.

7. There’s a Server Issue on Instagram’s End

Sometimes, the Instagram sign-up page not working isn’t your fault at all. It could also be because Instagram’s servers are having issues. That can keep everyone—not just you—from doing certain actions on the app, like creating a new account.

Server issues on social media platforms like Instagram can occur for many reasons. There may be maintenance work, unforeseen technical issues, or outages due to high traffic.

There are many ways to check if Instagram is having server issues on their end. One sign is that there are other issues on the app outside of just the sign-up page. These may include notifications that Instagram is not working and glitches in your DMs.

To be extra sure of any issues, check Instagram’s other official social channels for any important status updates. You can also check conversations on Twitter and Reddit to see if other people are experiencing the same thing.

A MacBook Pro with an error 404 message displayed on the screen.

Try Out Our Quick Fixes So You Can Focus on Growing Your New Instagram Page!

There are plenty of reasons why the Instagram sign-up page isn’t working. It could be something as innocent as an unstable internet connection or as serious as a community guideline violation. If you’re serious about creating a new account, follow our troubleshooting tips above to fix those issues. Then, try signing up on the app again.

Is the Instagram sign-up button not working even after all the quick fixes we recommended above for each technical issue? When all else fails, and you really need to make that new account, try to contact Instagram for help. Hopefully, they can get to the bottom of the issue and help you finally sign up for your new profile.

Now that you know how to fix problems with Instagram sign up not working, you can finally create an account. After that, you can focus on growth. With Path Social, you can boost your follower count for your newly made Instagram page just like that. We use AI to promote your page to the right people. So, your posts can reach your niche target audience fast, leading to tons of new followers who love your content. Grow a solid Instagram community with us today!